Last week my girlfriend, Ashley, and I took a last minute trip up to Boston for a day. I hadn't been there since I was very little, so I was really excited to finally make it up there again. We walked through Cambridge, Beacon Hill, and the North End in Boston. The North End was my favorite part, although everywhere we went was beautiful. I was able to do a drawing of the North End, which was described to me as the Little Italy in Boston. Pretty cool place! This drawing was done right outside of the Paul Revere House (seen on the far left).

So when I sent this drawing around as a little promo/update email last week... Heather from the Boston Globe asked if she could run it in this past weekend's Boston Globe for a story on giving directions! She asked me to add just a couple of little elements to make sure it made sense. Thanks for that Heather! Hope everyone in Boston liked it!

ALSO new out this month is some work I did for Men's Health (September 2010 issue). Art Director at MH, Dena, called me and asked if I'd like to do some how-to illustrations for them (which I have done in the past and really enjoy), and also some hand lettering and scribble-like handwriting for their BBQing section. I really commend Dena and and Brandon at Men's Health for having faith in me to do this for them, especially since there's not a whole lot of that kind of work in my portfolio. Thanks again to Dena and Brandon for this fun assignment. I hope to do more like this in the future!